Spain says it seeks a fair tech tax, after US tariff move

Spain says it seeks a fair tech tax after US tariff move

Spain is negotiating with america and different international locations to discover a fairer system for taxing tech firms’ income at a worldwide degree, Economic system Minister Nadia Calvino stated.

Calvino spoke a day after Washington slapped a 25% tariff on over $2 billion value of imports from Spain and 5 different international locations over their digital providers taxes.

It then instantly suspended the duties to permit time for worldwide tax negotiations, which additionally embody a U.S. proposal for a worldwide minimal company tax, to proceed.

“Clearly (the tariff) just isn’t excellent news, however it’s constructive (the U.S.) stated it suspended enforcement,” Calvino stated.

The aim of the discuss was to seek out “a fairer tax system, not solely on the nationwide degree, but in addition European and even world degree,” she added.

Spain has authorized a 3% digital tax on revenues from digital providers, similar to advertising and data sales, booked regionally by giant tech corporations. The tax was projected to carry the federal government about 1 billion euros in 2021.


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